

Simple code example how to use the bapi BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE to create a goods movement with abap.

  1. Movement indicator (mvt_ind)
  2. Goods movement code (gm_code)
  3. Movement types (move_type)
DATA ls_header TYPE bapi2017_gm_head_01.
DATA ls_code   TYPE bapi2017_gm_code.
DATA ls_item   TYPE bapi2017_gm_item_create.
DATA lt_items  LIKE TABLE OF ls_item.

DATA ls_return TYPE bapiret2.
DATA lt_return LIKE TABLE OF ls_return.

DATA lv_error  TYPE abap_bool.
DATA lv_errmsg TYPE string.

" Fill bapi2017_gm_head_01 structure
ls_header-pstng_date        = datum.   " Booking date
ls_header-doc_date          = datum.   " Reference date
ls_header-ref_doc_no        = xblnr.   " Reference number

" Fill bapi2017_gm_item_create structure

" goods receipt for purchase order:
ls_item-po_number               = ebeln.
ls_item-po_item                 = ebelp.
ls_item-vendrbatch              = lichn.
ls_item-mvt_ind                 = 'B'.
ls_item-move_type               = '101'. " 101=gr; 102=gr storno; 
                                         " 103=gr into blocked stock; 104=gr into blocked stock storno
ls_code-gm_code                 = '01'.

" goods receipt for process order
ls_item-orderid                 = aufnr.
ls_item-mvt_ind                 = 'F'.
ls_item-move_type               = '101'. " 101=goods receipt; 102=goods receipt storno
ls_code-gm_code                 = '02'.

" goods issue for process order (reservation)
ls_item-orderid                 = aufnr.
ls_item-reserv_no               = rsnum.
ls_item-res_item                = rspos.
ls_item-res_type                = rsart.
ls_item-mvt_ind                 = ''.
ls_item-move_type               = '261'. " 261=goods issue; 262=goods issue storno
ls_code-gm_code                 = '03'.

" other values
ls_item-plant                   = werks_d.
ls_item-stge_loc                = lgort_d.
ls_item-material                = matnr.
ls_item-batch                   = charg_d.
ls_item-entry_qnt               = menge.
ls_item-entry_uom               = meins_d.
ls_item-entry_uom_iso           = isocd_unit.
ls_item-expirydate              = vfdat.
ls_item-prod_date               = hsdat.

" Multiple items are possible
APPEND ls_item TO lt_items.

" Call function
    goodsmvt_header  = ls_header
    goodsmvt_code    = ls_code-gm_code
    testrun          = ' '
    materialdocument = mblnr
    matdocumentyear  = mjahr
    goodsmvt_item    = lt_items
    return           = lt_return.

" Parse return table
LOOP AT lt_return INTO ls_return.
  IF ls_return-type = 'E' OR ls_return-type = 'A'.

    " Maybe log the error message  
    MESSAGE ID ls_return-id TYPE ls_return-type NUMBER ls_return-number
      WITH ls_return-message_v1 ls_return-message_v2 
           ls_return-message_v3 ls_return-message_v4
      INTO lv_errmsg.

    lv_error = abap_true.

" Rollback or Commit work
IF lv_error = abap_true.
      wait = 'X'.

Movement indicator

indicator (mvt_ind) description
  Goods movement w/o reference
B Goods movement for purchase order
F Goods movement for production order
L Goods movement for delivery note

Goods movement code

code (gm_code) transaction description
01 MB01 Goods receipts for purchase order
02 MB31 Goods receipts for prod order
03 MB1A Goods issue
04 MB1B Transfer posting
05 MB1C Enter Other Goods receipt
06 MB11 Goods movement
07 MB04 Subsequent charging for material provided

Movement types

Good Receipt - 100

type (move_type) description
101 Goods receipt for purchase order
103 Goods receipt for purchase order to GR blocked stock
105 Release from the GR blocked stock for the purchase order
121 Subsequent adjustment for subcontracting
122 Return deliveries to vendor
124 Return delivery to vendor from GR blocked stock
161 Returns for purchase order

Good Issue - 200

type description
201 Goods issue for a cost center
221 Goods issue for a project
251 Goods issue for sale (without sales order)
261 Goods issue for an order
281 Goods issue for a network
291 Goods issue for any account assignment

Storage Location transfer - 300

type description
301 Plant to plant transfer in one step
303 Plant to plant transfer in two steps : stock removal
305 Plant to plant transfer in two steps : putaway
309 Transfer postings from material to material
311 Transfer of storage location to storage location in one step
313 Transfer of storage location to storage location in two steps : stock removal
315 Transfer of storage location to storage location in two steps : putaway
321 Transfer of inspection stock : unrestricted-use stock
323 Transfer of storage location to storage location : inspection stock
325 Transfer of storage location to storage location : blocked stock
331 Sample from the inspection stock
333 Sample from the unrestricted-use stock
335 Sample from the blocked stock
341 Status change of a batch (unrestricted-use to restricted)
343 Transfer of blocked stock : unrestricted-use stock
349 Transfer of blocked stock : inspection stock
351 Goods issue for a stock transport order (without shipping)

Special stock - 400

type description
411 Transfer of special stock to own stock (only for sales order stock)
413 Transfer posting to sales order stock
451 Returns from customer (without shipping)
453 Transfer of blocked stock returns to unrestricted-use stock
455 Returns stock transfer
457 Transfer of blocked stock returns to inspection stock
459 Transfer of blocked stock returns to blocked stock

Special Goods receipt - 500

type description
501 Goods receipt without purchase order : unrestricted-use stock
503 Goods receipt without purchase order : stock in quality inspection
505 Goods receipt without purchase order : blocked stock
521 Goods receipt without order : unrestricted-use stock
523 Goods receipt without order : inspection stock
525 Goods receipt without order : blocked stock
531 Goods receipt of by-products from order
541 Transfer of unrestricted-use stock to subcontracting stock
543 Consumption from subcontracting stock
545 Goods receipt of by-products from subcontracting
551 Scrapping from unrestricted-use stock
553 Scrapping from inspection stock
555 Scrapping from blocked stock
557 Issue from stock in transit (adjustment posting)
561 Initial entry of stock balances : unrestricted-use stock
563 Initial entry of stock balances : quality inspection
565 Initial entry of stock balances : blocked stock
581 Goods receipt of a by-product from network

Shipping - 600

type description
601 Goods issue for delivery
603 Goods issue for a stock transport order (shipping) with additional item
605 Goods receipt for a stock transport order (shipping) with additional item
621 Transfer of unrestricted-use stock : returnable packaging with customer (shipping)
623 Goods issue from returnable packaging with customer (shipping)
631 Transfer of unrestricted-use stock : consignment stock at customer (shipping)
633 Goods issue from consignment stock at customer (shipping)
641 Goods issue for a stock transport order (shipping)
643 Goods issue for a cross-company-code stock transport order
645 Goods issue for a cross-company-code stock transport order performed in one step (shipping)
647 Goods issue for a stock transport order performed in one step (shipping)
651 Returns from customer (shipping)
653 Returns from customer (shipping) to unrestricted-use stock
655 Returns from customer (shipping) to inspection stock
657 Returns from customer (shipping) to blocked stock
661 Returns to vendor using shipping
673 Returns for a cross-company-code stock transport order (shipping)
675 Returns for a cross-company-code stock transport order (shipping) performed in one step

Inventory differences - 700

type description
701 Inventory difference in unrestricted-use stock
703 Inventory difference in quality inspection stock (MM-IM)
707 Inventory difference in blocked stock
711 Inventory difference in unrestricted-use stock (LE-WM)
713 Inventory difference in quality inspection stock (MM-IM)
715 Inventory difference for returns
717 Inventory difference in blocked stock (LE-WM)